Adroit Certified Engineer Exam
The purpose of this exam is to test your competency in configuring the Adroit SCADA products using various additional components. Therefore, we have designed the exam around a real plant and a typical user’s requirements and functional design specifications.
Although we are not testing how well you can draw pictures or prescribing how you should achieve something, we also believe that, given our experience, there are some methods of doing things in Adroit which are better than others. In order to achieve this goal, we will offer suggestions and guidelines where we feel it be necessary. However, we also understand that there is neither a correct nor incorrect way of achieving the objective. In the real world, engineers have different approaches and philosophies when it comes to engineering a project.
Keep in mind that default installation folders are structured in a specific way for a reason and you should strive to adhere to them wherever possible to avoid loss of data during backup procedures.
The outcome of this exam is that, should you be successful, we will feel very comfortable in recommending you to any of our customers. We also believe that you will be able to charge a premium for your services in the field. If you are working for an end customer, then we feel that your organisation will be in very good hands. This is not an easy task, but we believe you will be justifiably proud once you successfully complete it.
All of Adroit’s software products, drivers, knowledge base, help files and how-to videos are available from the website
It is advised that you attend the Adroit SmartUI Basic, Adroit SmartUI Advanced, and Alarm Management Courses before attempting this exam, however there is no substitute for experience, and anyone can attempt the exam anytime.
We recommend that you familiarise and even base your exam project on our Best Practises, the sample Standards and FDS/DRP Documents that can be found on our website or obtained from our Support Department.
The Certified Engineers Exam Documentation
- Adroit Certified Engineer Exam - User Requirement Specification (URS)
- Adroit 10 - Best Practises
- Adroit Air Quick Start Guide
- Adroit Certified Engineer Exam - Disaster Recovery Procedure (DRP) Template
- Adroit Certified Engineer Exam - Function Design Specification (FDS) Template
- Adroit Certified Engineer Exam - Supporting Excel Spreadsheet Pack (I/O Schedule, Problem Solving Tasks, Marking Sheet)