Online Solar VSD Training

Course Outline 

1.      Introduction
2.      Selection of Mitsubishi VSD
3.      Calculation of PV Panels
4.      Installation
5.      Setup of VSD

Quick Start – Adroit Smart SCADA

This quick start guide in no way replaces the in-built help or training material that exists for Adroit. Nor does it attempt to cover every single aspect of the Adroit Smart SCADA product. Instead, it is aimed at a first-time user who, having downloaded the Setup.EXE installer, needs some guidance to get up-and-running and productive in the shortest possible time.

Adroit 10 Quick Start Guide

This Adroit 10 quick start guide in no way replaces the in-built help or training material that exists for Adroit. Nor does it attempt to cover every single aspect of the Adroit Smart SCADA product. Instead, it is aimed at a first-time user who, having downloaded the Setup.EXE installer, needs some guidance to get up-and-running and productive in the shortest possible time.

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